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( ezabatu)

  • 1 ezabatu

    [from Rom. *effasiare, cf. Fr. "effacer"] du/ad.
    1. ( idatzitakoa, e.a.)
    a. ( oro.) to erase, wipe away; hondarrean idazten dena laster ezabatzen da what's written in sand is soon wiped away
    b. ( marrak jarriaz) to cross out; zerrandako zenbait \ezabaturik agertzen dira some on the list appear crossed out
    c. Inform. to delete
    a. to wipe out, obliterate, remove, do away with; haren hilketaren aztarna guztiak ezabatzeko in order to {obliterate || remove} all traces of his murder; naziotasuna ukatzen digutenek, logika osoaz Eskola Nazionala eraikitzeko eskubidea \ezabatu nahi digute those who deny us our nationhood logically wish to do away with the right for us to build our National School
    b. to wipe away; haurtzaroko orbainak gaztaroak ezabatzen ditu the scars of childhood are wiped away by one's youth
    3. ( ezkutatu, gorde) Arkaismoa. to keep, hold in; bere haserrea ezabatzen badoa he's holding his anger in da/ad. Arkaismoa. to hide away, steal away, vanish; hori esan eta \ezabatu zen aingerua the angel said that and vanished

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezabatu

  • 2 atera

    du/ad. [from ate (door) + -ra]
    1. ( oro.)
    a. to take out ( -tik: of) ; giltzak sakeletik \atera zituen he took the keys out of his pocket ; txakurra kanpora \atera zuen he took the dog outside
    b. to get out, take out ( -tik: of) ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box
    c. ( tinko den zerbait, e.a. hortz) to pull out, draw out ( -tik: of)
    d. ( begi) to take out, pluck out
    e. ( p.) to take out ; paseatzera \atera to take sb out for a walk; i-r espetxetik \atera i. to get sb out of prison ii. ( ihes eginez) to spring sb from prison; harrika \atera dute herritik they' ll stone him out of town
    f. Kim. to extract
    g. ( arma) to draw ( -tik: from) ; ezpata \atera to draw one' s sword
    h. Fin. ( bankutik) to withdraw ( -tik: from)
    i. ( ezabatu) kendu, borratu
    j. ( arnasa) to take ( -tik: from)
    k. argitara \atera to expose to light
    2. (irud.)
    a. to get out ( -tik: of) ; datuak liburu askotatik \ateratakoak dira the information is gleaned from many books ; hitzik ere ez du \atera he didn' t {utter || say} a word; i-r bere onetik \atera to get on sb' s nerves; nondik \atera duzu ideia hori? where did you get that idea from?
    3. ( zikindura, tinta gune, e.a.) to get out ( -tik: of), remove ( -tik: from)
    4. ( soldadu, ordezkari) to withdraw
    5. (Josk.) ( janzki) to let out
    a. to get; harena behar du beti \atera he' s always got to get his way ; pobreek nekez \ateratzen dute beren bizia the poor struggle to {get by || make ends meet}
    b. ( dirua) to make, get
    c. ( titulua, ikastagiria) to get, earn
    7. ( gorputzatala) mingaina \atera to stick one' s tongue out; mingaina \atera zidan she stuck her tongue out at me
    a. ( soluziobide) to reach, obtain, get
    b. ( ondorioa) to draw; ondorioa \atera to draw conclusions |to reach a conclusion; hori \atera dezakegu ikusten dugunetik that we can infer from what we see
    a. ( produktu) to produce, make
    b. ( modelu berri bat) to come out with
    c. ( kanta, abesti) to make up, compose
    d. ( moda berri bat) to create
    e. Leg. to come out with; horren kontrako lege bat \atera zuten they came out with a law against that
    a. ( argazkia) to take; argazki bat \atera nahi zigun he wanted to take a picture of us
    b. ( kopia) to make, have made
    a. ( sari, loteria) to get, receive; horrela ez duzu ezer \aterako you won' t get anything that way; urtean enpresa honek 2.000.000 dolarretako mozkina \ateratzen du that company makes a profit of 2,000,000 dollars a year
    a. ( bete) to keep, fulfill, comply with; emandako hitzak \atera behar dira promises must be kept
    b. ( zorrak) to pay up, liquidate
    c. ( bekatu) to atone for
    13. ( frogatu) to prove, demonstrate; lana izango du bere errugabetasuna \ateratzeko it' ll be hard for him to prove his innocence | he' s got his work cut out to prove his innocence
    14. ( albiste) to let it be known ; {hil dela || hil delakoa || hil delako } \atera dute word' s gone out that he' s died
    15. Kir. ( pilota, baloi)
    a. ( tenis) to serve
    b. ( futbola) to throw in
    a. ( hartu) \atera gehiago help yourself to some more
    b. aizak, \atera beste hiru gorri waiter, we' ll have another three ros—s
    17. (Pol.) to elect, have elected da/ad.
    1. ( p.)
    a. to come out, go out; kalera \atera ginen we went out; ez \atera ez egon zen she couldn' t make up her mind whether to go out or not; nondik \atera zara? where did you {come || pop up} from?; zinetik \ateratzean ikusi genuen {on leaving the cinema || when we were coming out of the cinema} we saw her; hemendik \ateratzean egingo dugu we' ll do it on the way out of here; etxetik gehiago \atera behar genuke we should get out of the house some more ; noiz \atera zen espetxetik? when did he get out of prison?
    b. ( agertu) to appear, emerge
    c. (irud.) bizirik \atera to survive, come out alive; istripuan soilik bera \atera zen bizirik only he survived the accident; larrialditik \atera to get out of a {jam || fix}; komatik \atera to emerge from a coma | to come out of a coma; ez da bere eleetatik \ateratzen he' s sticking to his {guns || story}; mahaiburuaren kargutik \ateratzekoa da aurten he' s giving up the chairmanship this year
    2. ( gauzak b.b.)
    a. ( oro.) to come out ( -tik: of) ; ura hemendik \ateratzen da water comes out here
    b. ( ageri) to emerge, appear ; pikortak aurpegian \atera zitzaizkion pimples {broke out || appeared} on his face
    c. ( landare) to appear, come up
    d. ( aldizkari) to come out, appear
    e. Astron. to rise, come up
    f. ( eguzki) to come out, come up
    g. ( kale, karrika) to lead ( -ra: to) ; kale hori enparantzara \ateratzen da that street leads to the square
    h. ( etorri) to come out ( -tik: from), come ( -tik: from) ; ardoa mahatsetatik \ateratzen da wine comes from grapes
    i. ( hortz) haurrari hortz bat \atera zaio the child cut a tooth
    j. ( eraztun kendu, e.a.) to come off, slip off; eraztuna hatzetik \atera zait my ring has {slipped || come} off my finger; zapata \aterata daukazu your shoe' s {come || slipped} off
    k. ( albiste) to come out ; berri hori atzoko egunkarian \atera zen that piece of news came out in the paper yesterday
    l. (irud.) aurpegiari bozkarioa \atera zitzaion joy showed on her face
    3. ( ondorio izan; suertatu)
    a. to turn out; to be, prove, turn out to be ; ez zaio ongi \atera it didn' t work out for him very well; ehiztari \atera zen he turned out to be a hunter
    b. ( arrakasta) to turn out; garaile \atera ziren they turned out to be the victor ; azterketa ondo \atera zitzaion he did well on the test |he aced the test (USA) Lagunart.
    c. ( porrot egin) to come out; asmoa gaizki \atera zitzaien the scheme misfired | the plan went wrong on them
    d. ( prezio) to cost; oso garestia \aterako zaizu this is going to cost you | this is going to run into a lot of money
    a. ( p.) to leave, depart ( -tik: from) ; zortzietan hiritik \atera ziren they left the city at eight o' clock
    b. ( autobusa, trena) to leave, depart ( -tik: from)
    c. Naut. ( itsasontzia) to sail
    5. i-kin \atera to go out with, date; 3 urte dira \ateratzen direla they have been going out for three years
    6. ( bide) to lead ; nora \ateratzen da bide hau? where does this road lead to? ; Kale Nagusira \ateratzen da it leads to {Main Street (USA) || High Street (GB) }
    7. ( esankizun) to come out; eta orain honekin \atera da and now he comes out with this; esan ba! — ez zait \ateratzen! say it! — I just can' t!
    8. ( balkoi, leiho bat, e.a.) to jut out, project
    a. Tek. to become disconnected
    b. Trenb. trenbidetik \atera to leave the rails | to jump the track
    10. ( jokoetan, e.a.)
    a. ( xakejokoan) to have the first move
    b. Kartak. to lead; batekoarekin \atera to lead with an ace
    c. Kir. to start
    11. Inform. to exit, quit
    12. Antz. to come on, enter; harakin bezala jantzita \ateratzen da he comes on dressed as a butcher Oharra: atera duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila ezazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., argazkiak atera aurkitzeko, bila ezazu argazki sarreran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atera

  • 3 marratu

    a. ( gainalde leun batean) to scratch; diamanteak beira marratzen du a diamond scratches glass
    b. ( harri, e.a.) to score, scratch
    c. ( eredu bezala) to streak, stripe
    d. ( papera) to line, rule lines on
    e. ( testua) to underscore, underline
    2. ( ezabatu) to cross out

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > marratu

  • 4 urratu

    iz. light field work
    a. ( jantzia) to tear, rip, rend Lit. ; soinekoa \urratu zuen she tore her dress | she rent her dress Lit. ; soineko \urratu bat a torn dress
    b. ( haragia labanaz, e.a.) to slash
    c. ( belauna, ukondoa, e.a.) to skin
    2. ( hautsi, puskatu, desgin)
    a. to scratch; lurra oinekin urratzen zuen he was scratching the ground with his feet
    b. ( lokarria, haria) to break
    c. Nekaz. ( goldatu, landu, gorritu) to plough (GB), plow (USA), work
    d. ( bidea) to blaze, open up; bidea \urratu dugu we've opened up a new trail
    3. ( legea) to violate, fringe upon
    4. ( ezabatu) to mark out, cross out
    5. to dawn, appear; argia \urratu zuenean when the (sun's) light dawned; argia \urratu baino lehen jaiki to get up before the crack of dawn da/ad. ( nekatu) to get {exhausted || worn out || weak}; nekeaz \urratu a weakened from weariness

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > urratu

  • 5 xahutu

    1. ( txukundu) to tidy up, clean
    2. Kartak to clean up, take (sb) for everything, win everything from
    a. ( ezabatu) to rub out, erase, cross out
    b. ( suntsitu) to destroy, wipe out; gerratean \xahutu da etxe franko many houses were destroying during the war; izurrite izugarri batek jendea xahutzen zuen a terrible plague was wreaking havoc among the people
    4. ( dirua) to spend, disburse formala. ; irabazi guztiak edaritan \xahutu zuen he spent all he earned on drink da/ad. ( beroa, e.a.) to dissipate

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > xahutu

  • 6 zirriborratu

    1. to blot out, smudge
    2. ( ezabatu) to cross out
    a. ( idatziz) to scribble
    b. ( ideiaren zirriborroa) to make a rough draft of
    4. ( marrazkia) to sketch out, make a sketch of da/ad. ( irudia) to fade out, blur out, get blurry

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zirriborratu

  • 7 modified mean

    = modified arithmetic mean; trimmed mean
    French\ \ moyenne modifiée; moyenne corrigée; moyenne ajustée; moyenne tronquée
    German\ \ modifizierter Mittelwert; getrimmtes Mittel
    Dutch\ \ aangepast gemiddelde; getrimd gemiddelde; afgeknot gemiddelde
    Italian\ \ media modificata; media troncata
    Spanish\ \ media modificada
    Catalan\ \ mitjana modificada; mitjana truncada
    Portuguese\ \ média modificada; média aritmética modificada; média aparada; média interna
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ -
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ modifierat medelvärde
    Greek\ \ τροποποιημένος μέσος όρος; τροποποιημένος αριθμητικός μέσος όρος; τακτοποιημένος μέσος όρος
    Finnish\ \ muunnettu keskiarvo; harv. vaihteluvälin keskipiste; leikattu keskiarvo; katkaistu keskiarvo
    Hungarian\ \ módosított átlag; redezett átlag
    Turkish\ \ değiştirilmiş ortalama; değiştirilmiş aritmetik ortalama; budanmış ortalama
    Estonian\ \ modifitseeritud keskväärtus; kohendatud keskmine
    Lithuanian\ \ modifikuotasis vidurkis
    Slovenian\ \ modificirana sredina; modificirana aritmetična sredina
    Polish\ \ średnia zmodyfikowana; zmodyfikowana średnia arytmetyczna (metoda redukcji wrażliwości średniej arytmetycznej na obserwacje ekstremalne); średnia ucięta; średnia obcięta
    Russian\ \ модифицированная средняя величина; модифицированная арифметическая средняя; усеченное среднее
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ модификована средина; модификована аритметичка средина
    Icelandic\ \ breytt meina; breytt meðaltal; stytt meina
    Euskara\ \ aldaketa esan nahi du; aldaketa aritmetikoa batezbesteko; ezabatu egiten direla esan nahi
    Farsi\ \ miyangine t dilshode; miyangine piraste
    Persian-Farsi\ \ ميانگين تعديل‌يافته
    Arabic\ \ الوسط المعدل؛ الوسط الحسابي المعدل
    Afrikaans\ \ gewysigde gemiddelde; gesnoeide gemiddelde; geknipte gemiddelde
    Chinese\ \ 修 正 平 均 值; 调 整 平 均 值
    Korean\ \ 절사평균

    Statistical terms > modified mean

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